Riau is known as one of the largest moslem populations in Indonesia. Based on 2015 BPS data, the moslem community has a population of 88.96%, much higher than other religions. Yet people live in harmony and maintain tolerance and respect for one another's beliefs. Indonesia is a country with various ethnicities, languages and religions. As the motto, Bhineka Tunggal Ika, brings the spirit of unity and respect to the Indonesian people. YBDA in its role is committed to always supporting and facilitating social and religious activities and assistance for the community in the coconut ecosystem community. Some of the social and religious support and assistance that has been carried out by the Sambu Group through YBDA include: providing Eid al-Fitr biscuit packages to poor people in farmer villages and around the Sambu Group's operational locations, providing basic food packages to families who experiencing economic difficulties / underprivileged , giving Eid gifts to teachers of YBDA' schools as well as regular assistance for religious activities such as Isra' Miraj, Easter, mosque maintenance and qurbani donations (sacrified animals) on Eid al-Adha.